Copyright notice & disclaimer


Studio S.A.C.
Carrer dels Bous, 07510 Sineu, Mallorca, Spain

© Copyright 2023 Studio S.A.C. All Rights Reserved
Subject to the exceptions provided for in or pursuant to the Copyright Act, no part of our interior design advice and our website may be reproduced, stored in an automated database, or made public in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise manner, without prior written permission from Studio S.A.C..

All information and prices in the interior design advice and on the website are subject to typographical errors and changes. Although our interior design advice and this website have been compiled with great care, Studio S.A.C. accepts no liability whatsoever for damage caused by any errors, imperfections or inaccuracies in the interior design advice or on the website. Although we do our best to replace products in the interior design consultations and on the website when they are sold out, Studio S.A.C. cannot guarantee that the content of the interior design advice is up to date. Also, not all information and advice from interior design advice cannot be considered personal advice. Studio S.A.C. is not liable for any damage resulting from the partial or complete or incorrect application of the information and advice from our interior design advice and the website.